
The Hearing Board of the South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) will hold several public hearings to consider the issuance of an Order for Abatement addressing odors from the Sunshine Canyon Landfill in Sylmar.

Below is the hearing schedule:

Saturday, August 27, 2016, at 9:00 am
Valley Academy of Arts and Sciences
Multipurpose Room
10445 Balboa Blvd.
Granada Hills, CA 91344

September 6, 7, 8, 2016, at 9:00 am
Hearing Board Room
21865 Copley Drive
Diamond Bar, CA 91765

Saturday, September 10, 2016, at 9:00 am
Valley Academy of Arts and Sciences
Multipurpose Room
10445 Balboa Blvd.
Granada Hills, CA 91344



As the Councilmember of the Granada Hills community where the Sunshine Canyon Landfill is located, it has been my unfortunate predicament to see the odor issues at the landfill escalate, without having the jurisdiction necessary to mitigate the problem. I have served the Twelfth District through the previous South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) Stipulated Order of Abatement, and have been extremely disappointed at the lack of improvement in conditions despite myriad actions on the part of the City, Local Enforcement Agency and even the landfill operator.

In my position as a Sunshine Canyon Landfill Local Enforcement Agency (SCL LEA) Board Member, I requested the SCAQMD to form, organize and lead the SCAQMD Interagency Working Group on Sunshine Canyon Landfill Odor Mitigation, and requested collaboration from all of the member agencies in recognition that SCAQMD has the primary statutory jurisdiction over the control of odors at the landfill.

It is my sincere hope that the draft Order of Abatement be enforced so that the SCL LEA’s included recommendations can be fully implemented without the impediment of other government or regulatory agencies. This community has suffered enough.

-Mitchell Englander, Councilmember Twelfth District

Click here to read the full letter submitted at the AQMD Town Hall last night.

Click here to view the Order of Abatement.


The South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) will host a follow-up meeting regarding concerns expressed by community members at the town hall meeting held on April 21 on air quality and odor issues related to Sunshine Canyon Landfill located in Sylmar. We invite you to attend this meeting to hear from SCAQMD about updated activities at Sunshine Canyon Landfill and to provide us with your comments and input.


The SCAQMD is the government agency responsible for protecting your health from the impacts of air pollution. We believe that everyone should have equal protection. Please join us for this meeting.

For more information, please call Derrick J. Alatorre, SCAQMD Public Advisor at (909) 396-2432 or by email at



As the following notice indicates, if you experience odor issues during this period, you should report them.

It is important that you do not assume that all odor issues between June 23 and July 3, 2014 are caused by this testing. Indeed, 500+ trucks arrive daily to deposit 7,500 – 8,000 tons per day of stinking trash, adding over 2,000,000 tons per year to the landfill, in an on-going odor problem which has not be resolved by the City, County or State since 2008.

The SCAQMD and its hotline 1-800-CUT-SMOG (1-800-288-7664) is the official agency for recording these odor complaints, and for issuing Notices of Violations (NOV). As always, it will be up to the SCAQMD Inspectors to determine if the odors that you report are from the daily operations, the outgassing of odor laden methane from previously deposited trash, or from the testing itself.


As you are aware, members of the community filed a class action lawsuit against Sunshine Canyon Landfill.  The AQMD is not a party to the lawsuit, however the Landfill’s counsel subpoenaed the contact information of individuals who have filed complaints with the District.  The District fought the production of that information, except for the complainants who are named as plaintiffs in the lawsuit, who in theory have already disclosed their identity.

The superior court judge did not agree with the District’s arguments and ordered production of the complainant identifying information to be provided to a third party to send out an “opt-out” notice, where if the individual does not “opt-out”, the plaintiffs’ and defendants’ counsel will receive their contact information limited to use in the lawsuit.

The District filed a writ before the court of appeals to challenge the trial court’s decision, which we just found out was denied.  I wanted to personally alert you to the possibility that members of the community who have complained to the District, may be receiving “opt-out” notices which requires them to affirmatively notify the third party mailer that they do not want their identifying contact information released.

Please do not hesitate to contact me directly if you have any questions or require additional information.  I don’t anticipate any notices being sent until next month at the earliest.

Thank you,

Nicholas A. Sanchez/Senior Deputy District Counsel
South Coast Air Quality Management District




Thursday, March 6, 2014

3:00 p.m. until 5:00* p.m.
Knollwood Country Club
12024 Balboa Boulevard, Granada Hills, CA 91344

Maria Armoudian,   Ken Ashford, Becky Bendikson (Chair),   Jeanette Capaldi,   Gale Gundersen,

Wayde Hunter (Vice Chair & TAC Representative),   Josh Jordahl (Treasurer & TAC Alt.), Joe Vitti


A.  Call to Order, Roll Call, and Approval of January 9, 2014 Minutes.

B.  Old Business.  Discussion and possible action:

  • Outstanding administrative matters (Chair).
  • Treasurer’s Report (Treasurer).
  • Conduct election of CAC Officer for Secretary.

C.  New Business.  Discussion and possible Board motions & action to address the following:

1.     Browning-Ferris Industries/Republic Services Inc (BFI/Republic) report on Sunshine Canyon

Landfill (SCL) activities and operations (20 mins).

2.     South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) report on SCL odor complaints received including charts of year-to-date including, any other matters within their purview  Board motion: To request SCAQMD open proceedings for a new  Order of Abatement (20 mins).

3.     Sunshine Canyon Landfill-Local Enforcement Agency (SCL-LEA) to report on SCL inspections carried out, and other matters within their purview (15 mins).

4.     City & County Planning Departments to report on SCL matters within their purview (5 mins each).

5.     Other persons representing the City, County or State who wish to report any additional information or subject matter relating to SCL that is within their purview that has not been agendized for this meeting.  If necessary, discussion and action will be agendized for another meeting (5 mins).

D.  Public comment on items Not on the Agenda.

*Note: Speakers cards will be available at the meeting.  Each person wishing to address the Committee is asked to complete the form and submit it to the Vice Chair at the beginning of the meeting.  Speakers will be given three minutes each, time permitting.  Time may also be reduced if there are additional uncarded speakers wishing to speak at that time (maximum 10 mins).

E. Set next meeting date (May 1, 2014), & adjourn at 5:00 p.m. (followed by a 5 min. break).

F.  Special Overtime Discussion of Budget, Banking & Financial Matters (5:05 p.m – 5:35 p.m).

  • If necessary. Staff or public presence optional (30 mins).


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Meeting handout materials are provided to the public at the meeting, and any underlined written reports or documents referenced above can be accessed online by title at one of the following websites: then click on the About Us on the top of the home page.  Next click on the Documents tab, and then on the related document.  Alternatively, select Departments on the top of the home page, then click on the appropriate Agency tab, and then on the related document. then click on the Special Projects link on the left side of the home page.  Next click on the appropriate document in a list of documents presented at the bottom of the page.

If you require special accommodations, please contact Maria Masis at the Los Angeles County Department of Regional Planning at (213) 974-6435 or via e-mail with at least three business days notice.

For further information contact Becky Bendikson at 16911 San Fernando Mission Blvd,

Box 412, Granada Hills CA 91344 or call Wayde Hunter at (818) 363-3597