As the Councilmember of the Granada Hills community where the Sunshine Canyon Landfill is located, it has been my unfortunate predicament to see the odor issues at the landfill escalate, without having the jurisdiction necessary to mitigate the problem. I have served the Twelfth District through the previous South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) Stipulated Order of Abatement, and have been extremely disappointed at the lack of improvement in conditions despite myriad actions on the part of the City, Local Enforcement Agency and even the landfill operator.
In my position as a Sunshine Canyon Landfill Local Enforcement Agency (SCL LEA) Board Member, I requested the SCAQMD to form, organize and lead the SCAQMD Interagency Working Group on Sunshine Canyon Landfill Odor Mitigation, and requested collaboration from all of the member agencies in recognition that SCAQMD has the primary statutory jurisdiction over the control of odors at the landfill.
It is my sincere hope that the draft Order of Abatement be enforced so that the SCL LEA’s included recommendations can be fully implemented without the impediment of other government or regulatory agencies. This community has suffered enough.
-Mitchell Englander, Councilmember Twelfth District
Click here to read the full letter submitted at the AQMD Town Hall last night.
Click here to view the Order of Abatement.