Category Archives: SCL-TAC
Sunshine Canyon Landfill Joint City/County Technical Advisory Committee Meeting
Twenty-first Quarterly Report of Ambient Air Quality Monitoring at Sunshine Canyon Landfill and Van Gogh Elementary School, December 1, 2012 – February 28, 2013
Sunshine Canyon Landfill – City/County Joint TAC Meeting – Dec. 7th
Here is the agenda for the upcoming City/County Joint TAC Meeting to be held at City Hall, 5th floor Rotunda – Room 525. Relevant reports can be viewed on the City Planning’s website. The City/County Mitigation Monitoring Report may not be available on the website.
This is the SCL-TAC agenda and Mitigation Monitoring Report which is well worth reading as it gives us an additional set of eyes on BFI compliance from a consultant retained by the City & County covering a range of subjects from on-site maintenance to revegetation.