Republic Services, Inc. (Republic) submitted the First Quarter 2013 Vegetation Project Status Report for the Sunshine Canyon City/County Landfill, dated April 30, 2013 (attached). The
Status Report is a requirement of Condition 18 of the Finding of Conformance granted to the Landfill by the Task Force on December 18, 2008.
The Status Report provides the progress of re-vegetation projects undertaken during the first quarter of 2013 as well as re-vegetation projects anticipated to be implemented during the
second quarter of 2013.
Update on County and City Sides
- Interim areas will be seeded, amended, or mulched in the latter part of 2013 to take advantage of winter rains.
- Weed abatement was completed on a section of the south City area. Republic anticipates performing weed abatement as necessary and when weather permits.
Update on County Side
- Conditions on the County Side sage mitigation area remain unchanged.
- A substantial portion of the County-side mitigation area continues to be bare and problematic for vegetation to become established.
Update on City Side
- In the pilot project area, the vegetation and soil surface layer on the lower deck has been cleared and the soil prepared for planting native vegetation. Soil amendments have been worked into the soil, and the irrigation system is in place.
If you have any questions, please contact me at (626) 458-2186, Monday through Thursday, 7 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.