The City of Los Angeles is proposing to adopt and implement an ordinance to ban single-use plastic carryout bags, charge a fee on paper bags, and promote the use of reusable bags at specified retailers in the City of Los Angeles. The Final EIR is available at City of Los Angeles Bureau of Sanitation, 1149 S. Broadway, 5th Floor, Los Angeles, CA 90015; at www.lacitysan.org under What’s New…; and at the following public libraries:
- Central Library, 630 W 5th Street, Los Angeles, CA 90071
- Van Nuys Branch Library, 6250 Sylmar Ave., Van Nuys, CA 91401
- West L. A. Regional Branch Library, 11360 Santa Monica Bl., Los Angeles, CA 90025
- San Pedro Regional Branch Library, 931 S. Gaffey Street, San Pedro, CA 90731
- Granada Hills Branch, 10640 Petit Avenue, Granada Hills, CA 91344