
Date: May 22, 2013

Source: Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles County

The Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles County has abandoned its 13-year quest to develop a mammoth rail-served landfill at Eagle Mountain, about 100 miles to the east, near the Joshua Tree National Park. The site is currently owned by Ontario-based Mine Reclamation Corp. (MRC). The 4,654-acre landfill would have taken up to 20,000 tons of waste per day brought by rail from communities in Los Angeles County. The fate of the site, which was formerly an iron mine owned by Kaiser Steel, has been disputed and litigated since the early 90s. Kaiser Steel declared bankruptcy in 1987. Its successor company, Kaiser Ventures, now owns a majority interest in MRC.

The Sanitation Districts decision to Continue reading

November 1, 2011
3:30 PM

Note – Board Member Bambard may be participating by teleconference from a remote location. Board Member Bambard’s participation will not count towards a quorum. This meeting is noticed and publicly accessible at the location below:
AECOM, Jordan
Shabab Al Ordon Club Building, First Floor
Balbaak Street No. 4
Amman 11814, Jordan
LOCATION OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY: The Sunshine Canyon Landfill is located at 14747 San Fernando Road in the Granada Hills area of the City of Los Angeles and an area of unincorporated Los Angeles County.
Note: Additional information concerning this matter may be obtained by telephoning Mr. David Thompson at (213) 252-3348. Copies of the draft Sunshine Canyon Landfill Local Enforcement Agency Designation Information Package including the SCL-LEA Enforcement Program Plan and SCL-LEA Joint Powers Authority Agreement are available on the Sunshine Canyon Landfill Local Enforcement Agency website at:

  1. Call to Order/Welcome
  2. Approval of the minutes from the June 2, 2011 Board meeting
  3. Program Manager’s report
  4. Financial Manager’s report
  5. Report and recommendations for Board action on the status of the E. Tseng and Associates consulting contract and the SCL LEA Evergreen Fund.
  6. Report and recommendations for Board action of a revised Joint Powers Authority Agreement between the City of Los Angeles and the County Los Angeles for the Sunshine Canyon Landfill Local Enforcement Agency.
  7. Report and recommendations for Board action regarding the reimbursement billing methodology for the SCL LEA for staff costs including overtime.
  8. Verbal report on nuisance odor activities of the SCL LEA and other agencies and recommendation for general support of SCAQMD Stipulated Petition to Amend Order for Abatement.
  9. Consideration of recommendations for Board action including adoption of a SCL LEA Conflict of Interest Program, supporting policies and designation of parties in compliance with the California Fair Political Practices Act.
  10. Comments from the public
  11. Close of meeting/adjourn


Speaker cards will be available at the meeting. Each person wishing to address the Board of Directors is asked to complete the form and submit to the clerk at the beginning of the meeting. Speakers will be given three minutes each.

SANTA MONICA, California — The Sunshine Canyon landfill in the San Fernando Valley could expose residents in the region to more trash for a far longer period than they are being told, according to Protect Our Water and Environmental Resources (POWER), a coalition of environmental and labor groups dedicated to protecting residents of Southern California from the dangers of landfills. The community surrounding Sunshine Canyon should not be forced to bear the burdens of the landfill for longer than governmental reports previously represented.

A permit proposal for Sunshine Canyon, submitted by BFI/Allied Waste, will be considered at a hearing Thursday at the Los Angeles County Regional Planning Commission. Area residents should know that previous environmental documents stating that the facility has the capacity to receive 90 million tons and would close after about 26 years are unreliable. This is because there is no provision guaranteeing that the landfill will close when it receives 90 million tons or after 26 years. POWER is requesting that the Commission require a tonnage limit or closure date.

Sunshine Canyon could actually take in much more waste than 90 million tons, according to a new study prepared for the coalition by landfill engineer J.W. Spear, who has more than 25 years of experience in the waste management industry. The study found that 24 million to 57 million more tons of waste could go into the landfill, on top of the 90 million that has been projected.

“Mr. Spear’s credentials are impressive and the North Valley Coalition believes his conclusions support our contention that this landfill will be much larger than analyzed in the environmental documentation. Its impacts on the community, indeed the city and county as a whole, have not been adequately addressed,” said Wayde Hunter, President of the North Valley Coalition, which represents residents in the area of the landfill.

Because the tonnage determines the closure date of the landfill, this could mean that the landfill would operate far longer than the 26 years now estimated. There is no requirement that will force the landfill to close when 90 million tons have been deposited or when 26 years have elapsed.

“The North San Fernando Valley continues to suffer from the negative effects of the Sunshine Canyon Landfill. The time has come to put an end to this environmentally polluting practice and start recovering our waste for beneficial use as described in my RENEW LA plan,” said Los Angeles City Councilmember Greig Smith.

The POWER coalition includes the North Valley Coalition, Sierra Club, Natural Resources Defense Council, Environmental Law Foundation, and the International Brotherhood of Teamsters.

A judge Friday temporarily halted the beginning of construction on the expansion of Sunshine Canyon Landfill into 200 acres of Los Angeles County-controlled land above Granada Hills.

Construction was set to start Monday–two weeks before a lawsuit opposing the dump expansion is scheduled to be heard.

Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Ronald M. Sohigian issued a temporary restraining order halting the project at the request of the city of Los Angeles, which is suing Los Angeles County and Browning-Ferris Industries, the landfill’s owner.