
For those of us who have wondered just how California has managed to move itself to the back row of states looking to increase their diversion rates by means of conversion technologies, allow me to share with you the thoughts of the Los Angeles County Solid Waste Management Committee Integrated Waste Management Task Force on the matter.

In a letter to Ms. Caroll Mortensen, director of the Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery (formerly the California Integrated Waste Management Board), Margaret Clark, vice-chair of the Los Angeles County Solid Waste Management Committee/ Integrated Waste Management Task Force, presented its proposal for overcoming definitional road blocks:

Task Force Adopts Key Definitions and New Solid Waste Management Paradigm
On September 20, 2012, the Los Angeles County Solid Waste Management Committee/Integrated Waste Management Task Force (Task Force) adopted definitions for the terms “recovery” and “conversion technologies” as well as the “New Waste Management Paradigm.” For years, a variety of terms and solid waste management hierarchies have been used by Continue reading